Mentorship with Pedro David Espinosa


In a series of media articles, blogs and interviews, Pedro David Espinoza shares his experiences and knowledge as mentor. He hopes these features will inspire others passionate about business and music.

Pedro David Espinoza Shares 4 Tips for Effective Multitasking

Global business opportunities in Israel, according to Pedro David Espinoza

The reality of climate change is stark. It is pushing people to poverty –– look at what’s happening in Yemen right now and what we’ve seen in Syria for the last decade.

Pedro David Espinoza Discusses The Journey Of Launching A Startup

Pedro David Espinoza Discusses The Journey Of Launching A Startup

Starting a business can seem like a daunting move, especially with stats out there that claim about half of all startups fail during the first five years.

Interview - Pedro David Espinoza


Pedro David Espinoza was born in 1994 in Lima, Peru. Coming from a family with Quechua, Andean, and Incan roots, Pedro David grew up attending The American School of Lima: Roosevelt School.

Pedro David Espinoza Shares 4 Tips for Effective Multitasking


As an entrepreneur and CEO, Pedro David Espinoza knows how one’s attention can be pulled in many directions during the course of a regular day.

Pedro David Espinoza Explains How an Effective Entrepreneur Plans for Success

Pedro David Espinoza Explains How an Effective Entrepreneur Plans for Success

Being an entrepreneur is more about possessing a growth mindset over anything else. While they hate to fail, they also are not afraid to fail.

Active entrepreneur


Rather than sitting back and letting your business run itself, as an active entrepreneur you will carefully manage all aspects of your new business venture.

Passion for music

Pedro David Espinoza on Embracing Your Passion for Music

Picking up an instrument for the first time can be intimidating. Discussing the idea of organizing a band might get you ridiculed by friends.

Public speaking

Pedro David Espinoza on the Art of Public Speaking

Public speaking is an art that many people are afraid to practice. Public speaking skills are extremely valuable for all business owners.

Starting a new business

Many people would like to have the freedom to be their own boss, but starting a small business is an intimidating task.

How Mistakes Can Help a Person Grow

How Mistakes Can Help a Person Grow

Being a technology entrepreneur in the 21st century is a blessing. I enjoy the fact that this industry is rapidly evolving, changing, and growing every day.

Mentorship and Success

How many entrepreneurs and business owners actually “make it”? Sadly, about 20% of small businesses fail within their first year, and 30% fail within their second year.

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